Sunday, April 5, 2015

The most amazing towel I've ever seen!

Where has this been all my life? I am amazed by this towel. The very first thing I noticed was how cool this towel felt as soon as I removed it from the packaging. I just sat there an held it against my neck and chest waiting for it to get warm, but it didn't. I don't know what this towel is made of but I wish my bed sheet felt link this. Maybe I could avoid those night sweats I get so often.  The Chill Pal has changed my life, and I want to share it with the world.

The first time I used this towel was at my REFIT class. For those that don't know, this is a Zumba like class only better. This class causes me to sweat and radiate heat from my skin after only a few moments of exercise. The class is too intense for the towel to stay in place while I'm exercising, but I kept it close to me to cool down and soak up sweat between songs. Even after being used for an hour, the towel was still cool. The towel was so refreshing and helped me to beat the heat during class. I wore it around my neck on the drive home and felt refreshed and cool by the time I arrived home. Since that day, I've used this towel at every class, and amazed my fellow classmates with it.

Chill Pal has also helped me during hot flashes. No more standing with my head in the freezer trying to cool off. I've used the towel when cooking. My kitchen tends to heat up to the point of making me sweat when I bake or cook large meals. Placing this towel around my neck and wiping my face with it kept me from dripping sweat into the food I was lovingly preparing for my family. No one wants to think about their cook dripping sweat into their food.

The towel is machine washable, and trust me. As much as I use it, I have to wash it frequently. It is holding up well to all the washing. When it dries out and you need it again, just soak it in cool water and wring it out. You're ready to go again. I can't imagine not having Chill Pal in my life. I'm ecstatic that I was offered the opportunity to test this product and share my honest and unbiased opinions. This is a fabulous towel and I wouldn't say that if I didn't believe it.

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